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Western  Arkansas Regional Office

Black Community Development and Chamber of Commerce of Arkansas is proud to have some of the industry’s best. The Regional Directors are the heart of our organization, they are responsible for delivering BCDCCA programs, goals and objectives to the community.  The success of BCDCCA rest on their shoulders. BCDCCA Regional Directors are commented to the improvement of the Black and African American citizen in the Great state of Arkansas.

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Opening Hours

Wardell Henley


844 - 442 - 2322 Extension 10

Mon - Fri

9:00 am – 5:00 pm



​Sunday           CLOSED

Black Community Development and Chamber of Commerce of Arkansas Introduce our new Western Regional Office from Crawford / Sebestian counties south to Texarkana Arkansas , Director and Vice Director, the married couple of BCDCCA Western Office Regional Director Mrs. Rameera Robbalaa Christopher BCDCCA Western Office Regional Vice Director Mr. Kyle Christopher

   Black Community Development and Chamber of Commerce of Arkansas
                                           Western Regional Office
                                                 Tactical Plans



The Black Community Development and Chamber of Commerce of Arkansas, (BCDCCA), Pine Bluff Regional Office under the jurisdiction of the Black Community Development and Chamber of Commerce of Arkansas, (BCDCCA), follows BCDCCA By-Laws, Policies, Rules, and Regulations.


BCDCCA Western Regional Office is dedicated to deploying, implementing, and managing BCDCCA strategic plan, programs, and activities, that support Entrepreneurship, Economic Empowerment, and Sustainability of tour targeted Communities in the Western Region. 


BCDCCA Pine Bluff Regional Office will be committed and focused on activities that will support the following BCDCCA planned goals for the Our targeted Communities:


  • Increase Business Development, Entrepreneurship, and Growth

  • Provide access to Capital

  • Obtain Regional entities to provide funding and assist our programs.

  • Provide Education and Training for the following.

    • Obtain Certificates, to advance job skills and optimize employment opportunities

    • Financial Literacy

    • Business Development

    • Community Service

    • Etc.

  • Provide Technical Support for documentation completions, (Grant Writing, Loan Application, etc.)

  • Assist our target Farmers 


Director: The BCDCCA Regional Director reports to the BCDCCA president or their designated committee. The BCDCCA Regional Director follows the BCDCCA By-Laws, and all BCDCCA Rules and Regulations. All BCDCCA Regional Directors activities must be approved by the BCDCCA President or their designated committee. The BCDCCA  and all other activities stipulated by the BCDCCA president or their designated committee.


Under the leadership of the Director, Ralph Smith and the Co-Interim Director,(TBD), we will establish the regional office by completing the following BCDCCA activities:


Stage One

Staff Selections and Introduction of BCDCCA Western Regional Office

  1. Select the appropriate required staff. BCDCCA Regional Director has the options to appoint or not appoint the following positions.  The Regional staff may be paid or unpaid depending on BCDCCA funds available. Some of the initial positions that may or may not need to be filled are:

  • Vice Director: Reports to the Director and performs the roles and responsibilities assigned to them by the Director.  

  • Coordinator; Reports to the Vice Director or Director. Executes assigned specific projects. A Coordinator often is required to come to the Director or Vice Director when they have a question, rather than making an executive decision if they are not sure.

  • Assistant: Report to the Director and Vice Director, perform the tasks and activities assigned to them by the Director or Vice Director. The Director can have as many assistants as they may need. 

  • Secretary: Reports to the Director and Vice Director, performs secretary activities

  • Ambassador: Reports to the Director and Vice Director, acts as a representative of BCDCCA for public events and assigned activities

      2.  Establish the Regional office address, mailing address, email address, phone number, and business cards and meeting 


       3. Introduce the Western Regional office to the General Public covering.

  • Mayor’s office

  • Chamber of Commerce’s

  • Regional Legislative Representatives

  • Regional Corporations / Business

  • Regional Education Institutes

  • Regional Community Organizations

  • Promote Fund Raising and Membership Drive


Stage Two

Implementation of BCDCCA Programs 

Implement the following BCDCCA Programs

       1.  Disadvantaged Small Business Consulting. Identify our target business and citizens who may have a

           desire to start a business or need help growing their existing business. and Provide Education and Training for the


  • Financial Literacy

  • Business Model

  • Business Development

  • Etc.

       2.  Identity Access to Capital. Identity Grants, loans, and monies available for our target Communities

            that would generate business and home ownership and make improvements to existing our target business and homes.

       3.  Technical Support: Assist in completing documentation, provide technical support and guidance to our target members for responding to RFPs, finding capital, marketing, contract negotiations and accessing

             opportunities that would enable them to start a business, sustain, or expand their existing business, or purchase a home.

       4.   Develop Partnerships. Seek Partnership with Regional Corporations, Educational Institutes, Healthcare Organizations,

             Municipalities, and Regional State and Federal Government agencies.

       5.   Employment Development. Promote BCDCCA Internship and Recruitment programs with Regional Corporations, 

             Educational Institutes, Healthcare, Municipalities, organization and Regional Government agencies for recruitment of

            BCDCCA members, from the African American and Black community, of our Western region for both full time employment and contractual opportunities.

       6.   Training and Education. Promote existing and develop new training and education programs and seminars to help.

             our target businesses

  • Obtain Certificates, to advance job skills and optimize employment opportunities.

  • Improve Community Service

  • Etc.

        7.   Assist our target Farmers

  • Work with the Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Policy.  

  • Work with the 2014 Farm Bill Policy.  

  • Work with The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff’s Small Farm Program. 

  • Work with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s.  

  • Work with (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).  

  • Etc.


Stage Three

Other Regional Activities

Perform the following BCDCCA Activities

  • Events

  • Gala

  • Awards 

  • Scholarships


The BCDCCA Western Regional Office working under the guidance of our corporate office, Black Community Development and Chamber of Commerce of Arkansas is looking forward to creating Generational Wealth, Growth and Prosperity for the our target communities in the Western Arkansas Region of the Great State of Arkansas.


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The Black Community Development and Chamber of Commerce of Arkansas, (BCDCCA) Regional Offices are under the jurisdiction of the Black Community Development and Chamber of Commerce of Arkansas organization. All BCDCCA Regional offices must follow all BCDCCA By-laws, Policies, Procedures, Standards and Guidelines. Failure to follow BCDCCA By-laws, Policies, Procedures, Standards and Guidelines can result in removable.

President/CEO: The President/CEO shall serve as the chief executive officer of the Board and shall implement Chamber policy as established by the Board of Directors. The President/CEO is responsible for all activities emulating from the National Office, the BCDCCA Board, implements, manages the Strategic Plan and the BCDCCA operations. The President/CEO shall make and submit to the Chamber such reports as the Chamber may prescribe relative to Chamber finances. The President shall have the free will to develop committees that report to the president, whose purpose is the management of certain BCDCCA operations.

Executive Vice-President: The Executive Vice-President at the guidance and management of the President/CEO manages the staff and operations of the Arkansas Black Chamber of Commerce and the operational implementation of the Strategic Plan. The Executive Vice-President can also manage the monies received and, in addition to the Executive Vice-President Finance, is a signor on Arkansas Black Chamber of Commerce accounts.

Director: The BCDCCA President or their designated committee, can appoint a BCDCCA Regional Director, Co-Regional Directors, Interim Regional Director, or co- Interim Regional Directors. The interim period will be decided by the BCDCCA president or their designated committee. The BCDCCA Regional Director reports to the BCDCCA president or their designated committee. The BCDCCA Regional Director follows the BCDCCA By-Laws, and all BCDCCA Rules and Regulations. All BCDCCA regional Directors activities must be approved by the BCDCCA President or their designated committee. The BCDCCQA Regional Director is responsible for implementing and managing BCDCCA programs and all other activities stipulated by the BCDCCA president or their designated committee. The BCDCCA Regional Director can be assigned to a region or a location. 

The BCDCCA regional Director may be paid for their services, if funds are available. The Director can appoint individuals to assist them in performing their responsibilities, as volunteers. All BCDCCA Director hired- for pay staff must be approved by the BCDCCA president or their designated committee. All BCDCCA Volunteers and paid staff must follow the BCDCCA By-Laws, and all BC DCCA Rules and Regulations.


BCDCCA Regional Directors cannot enter any contract, agreement, financial arraignment without written approval by the BCDCCA President or their designated committee.

BCDCCA Regional Offices cannot receive donations without the written approval of BCDCCA President or their designated committee

BCDCCA Regional offices shall follow any goals identified by the BCDCCA President or their designated committee


The BCDCCA Director reports to the BCDCCA president or their designated committee on a scheduled basic.


The BCDCCA Director may use the following positions titles for appointments or hires;


Vice Director; Reports to the Director and performs the roles and responsibilities assigned to them by the Director. The BCDCCA Regional Director may have as many Vice-Directors was they need 


Coordinator; Helps the Director or Vice Director, when needed and executes specific projects, or tasks. A coordinator often is required to come to the Director or Vice Director when he has a question, rather than making an executive decision if he is not sure. 


Assistant; Report to the Director and Vice Director, perform the tasks and activities assigned to them by the Director or Vice Director. The Director can have as many Assistants as they may need.


Secretary; Reports to the Director and Vice Director, performs secretary activities


Ambassador; Reports to the Director and Vice Director, acts as a representative of  BCDCCA for public events and assigned activities.


Annually, BCDCCA President or their designated committee will conduct annual BCDCCA Regional Directors meeting with the BCDCCA Regional Directors, to discuss the BCDCCA goals and objectives identified by the BCDCCA Board, and enforced by the BCDCCA President or their designated committee to the BCDCCA Regional Directors.


Quarterly or whenever required, BCDCCA President or their designated committee will conduct meeting with the BCDCCA Regional Directors to discuss all BCDCCA Regional Directors pertinent matters at that time.


Dress Code; All BCDCCA Board Members Sr. Advisor’s, Executive officers, Directors, Vice Directors, Staff, Volunteers, are expected to dress business casual at BCDCCA events , or follow specified Dress codes at special events.

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